The 2023 CEC Virtual Annual Meeting will take place this Thursday! Annual meeting packets were mailed to all CEC member-owners. Each packet contained candidate information and a ballot. The deadline to vote was April 3 to receive a $15 bill credit and be entered to win up to $2,500 worth of credits! Be sure to remember that we will NOT accept ballots at any CEC office.
The meeting will be held this Thursday, April 6, at 3 p.m., on the CEC website Why continue to hold an online annual meeting? The main reason is because we get far more participation. The virtual meeting allows more member-owners to participate, vote for board members and hear up-to-date information about the cooperative. Whereas only 5%-7% of members previously voted for their board representatives at the in-person meetings, in sharp contrast, during the past three virtual meetings, 22%-28% of members voted using electronic or mail-in ballots. After all, cooperatives are rooted in the principle of democratic member control, and we want members to make their voices heard. Best of all, the virtual meeting gives everyone a chance to participate, and each member who votes will receive a $15 bill credit and be entered into the drawing for larger bill credits — including the opportunity to win a $2,500 bill credit.
During the meeting, we’ll highlight the accomplishments of 2022, share financial reports and provide the latest information on Buzz Broadband and community involvement. If you’re unable to watch the virtual event, a recording of the meeting will be shared on social media, and the financial report will be published in an upcoming issue of the Alabama Living magazine. In addition to the virtual annual meeting, we’re always available to speak in-person with our members at the CEC offices in Sanford and Enterprise, or by phone at 800-239-4121.