Covington Electric Cooperative is your trusted source for solar energy information.
Solar Demo Project – Some CEC members have expressed a desire for renewables to be a part of our energy mix. The CEC 9.6 kW solar demonstration site located at our headquarters on Highway 84 in Sanford, allows members to learn about the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy to help them determine whether it’s a good fit for their home. Click on the Solar Demo icon below to learn more and monitor the system’s energy output in real time.
Residential Solar – Are you considering installing a solar array at your home? CEC strongly encourages its members to get all the facts before making that decision. You can click on the Residential Solar icon below to quickly get answers to common questions and access our Solar Tool Calculator to help determine if a major investment in solar is right for you.
For answers to other solar questions, just click on the icons below.