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CEC to start courtesy calls for past due accounts

​​Beginning Feb. 22, 2021 with Cycle 1, CEC’s automated phone system will be utilized to make calls to post-pay accounts that are delinquent. Members that receive these automated calls will have the option to pay their account over the phone through our IVR system. Calls will only go out to post-pay accounts with active phone numbers associated with those accounts.

We want to help ensure our members can easily recognize the difference between these courtesy calls and the phone scams that have occurred where members are contacted and payment is demanded immediately over the phone with the threat of being disconnected. The calls that CEC will be placing do not make such demands.

These calls will serve as reminders that an account is past due and it will give members the option to go ahead and pay their account or make an arrangement to pay it before the disconnect date. Anyone who is unsure about the nature of the call they receive from CEC can hang up and call the co-op to verify its authenticity.

Members can opt out of receiving these courtesy calls when prompted during the automated message. Members who prefer to receive text notifications when their account is past due can sign up online when they login to their CEC electric account.

Below is a transcript of the exact message the CEC member will hear if their post-pay account is delinquent:

Hello this is Covington Electric Coop.

 Is this the person responsible for the electric bill? Please press 1 for yes, 2 for no.

 If “Yes”:  We are calling to notify you of a past due bill in the amount of {PastDueAmount} which was due on {OriginalDueDate}.

This bill must be paid on or before {CutOffPaymentDate} to avoid an interruption in electric service.

If you feel you have received this message in error, please press 1 to stop receiving these alerts. 

If “1” Thank you. You will no longer receive this type of alert to this phone number.  Goodbye.

Would you like to clear up this bill by paying it now by credit card, Please press 1 for yes, 2 for no.

If “1”  Send to Account Inquiry

If “2”  You should make arrangements to pay this bill as soon as possible to avoid a cutoff of electric service.  To stop receiving this type of alert, please press 9.     

If  “9”  Thank you. You will no longer receive this type of alert to this phone number.  Goodbye.

If “No” (or Voicemail is detected)

Please have the person responsible for the electric bill call our representatives at 334-222-4121 as soon as possible. That telephone number, again, is 334-222-4121. Thank you. Goodbye.