CEC crews, along with assisting crews, worked diligently to restore power to the CEC electric distribution system following damaging storms on April 19. CEC started out with almost half of its membership (more than 9,000 members in all counties served by the cooperative) without service following the severe storms during the overnight hours on April 19. CEC was pleased to report that power was restored to every CEC member in homes that could receive electric service on Wednesday, April 22 just before 8 PM. Some homes had structural damage and couldn’t receive power at that time. Those members will need to call CEC when repairs have been made to their homes and they are ready for service.
CEC would like to thank our employees and every assisting contract crew (Lee Electric, Asplundh, Harper Electric and HTC) and cooperative crew (Southern Pine, Escambia River, West Florida and CHELCO) for helping us meet this challenge with determination and dedication. We sincerely appreciate our CEC members for their patience and understanding during this difficult situation.