Don’t forget about the convenient way to pay your electric bill where you shop. This is a fast and easy way for members to pay their electric bill while shopping at participating stores.
CEC members will need a barcode to present to the store clerk when you are ready to pay your electric bill. You can get this barcode from any CEC member services representative, or you can click here to get the barcode for your account (you must have your account number to retrieve the barcode online).
Once you have your barcode, you can show it to the clerk at any participating store and specify the amount you would like to pay. Your payment will immediately be applied to your electric account. Be sure to tell the clerk how much you want to pay on your CEC bill. Please keep in mind that store clerks do not have any information about your account. You will not be able to ask them how much you owe, when it will be delinquent, etc.
We’re happy to offer more bill payment options for the CEC membership, and we hope this adds a little more convenience for those with busy schedules.